Project Management Between You & Team Members

Project Management Between You & Team Members

Project management can be a very complex task, even for a small business. It involves goal setting, delegating tasks, coordinating between the team members, scheduling, collecting data and reporting as well. It’s a good idea to outsource project management between you and all your team members, to a competent #virtual_assistant. The person will be able…

Appointment Scheduling

Appointment Scheduling

Most business owners now use #appointment scheduling software to ensure that there is no double booking of time slots. However, the software doesn’t work by itself and you may find yourself feeding in information and appointment timings too often. A #virtual_assistant will ensure that the appointments and timings (with changes in schedules etc.) are uploaded…

Finding New Clients

Finding New Clients

Having a fresh perspective has never been cheaper; have a YOPA #virtual_assistant look for clients for a given product or service without specifying an industry or giving too much detail. You may be surprised to find that you can adapt what you’re already doing to someone else that needs it.

Bill Pay

Bill Pay

You need to pay your bills. You scan, mail or fax them to Your Online Personal Assistant, or, with automatic billpay, bills are paid monthly automatically. Your #virtual_assistant sets up an online bill payment service with payment authorization for you. Your Online Personal Assistant prepares payments and enters them into accounting software that you can…