Hotel and Flight Booking
Get up, up and away secure in the knowledge that you #flights and #accommodation reservations are ready and waiting.
Your #virtual_assistant can handle these tasks.
Get up, up and away secure in the knowledge that you #flights and #accommodation reservations are ready and waiting.
Your #virtual_assistant can handle these tasks.
Your #virtual_assistant can’t #washthedog, but we can organise to get the dog washed
Once you have completed a job or delivered a product, you also send across an invoice to the client and this can become a task of large proportions; it is one that can’t or shouldn’t be delayed or omitted. Hire a virtual assistant to send out client invoices at the point of project completion and…
With the launch of the latest Internet-based communication technology, it is now common for team members within an organisation to work from various #remote locations, and #meetings are conducted online too. Hiring a good #virtual_assistant for preparing online meeting minutes is the smart method of getting this necessary administrative task off your plate. The person…
There are a number of big and small administrative tasks such as filing and sorting information and assimilating data that are in integral part of any business’ operations. Once all this information and data has been collected and sorted, detailed reports have to be created too and a virtual assistant can handle this job expertly….
Every #smallbusiness owner has to answer to customer emails and ensure that they provide chat support to their customers. If any complaints have been lodged by a customer, you would have to address those too. A #virtual_assistant can take all these time-consuming tasks off of your hands and will responds to customer emails and chat…
Want to meet a big group of friends for dinner? Have a #virtual_assistant find a location, send out invites, answer people’s questions, and generally take care of logistics.